From Passion to Action
Hi! Nice to virtually meet you! I am Laila Proença, proud native of Brasília, Brazil. I am the founder and CEO of VETAHEAD, your complete ZooMed (Exotics) solution for Veterinary Professionals. I became a veterinarian in 2004 and after a lot of work, sweat, and tears, I became the first South American to become a Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine (DACZM), with an emphasis on zoological companion animals (a.k.a. exotics). I have always been passionate about zoomed (exotic animals medicine) and I’ve always wanted to have an impact in my community. I feel like I can make a positive change in the world by empowering and educating through zoomed (exotic animals medicine). It has been always very important to me to promote equality and access to knowledge.
I’ve created VETAHEAD to be the tool that achieves all the changes I want in the world.
When I started practicing zoomed (exotic animals medicine) the information was scattered, incomplete, and not easy to access. Mistakes and sacrifices lined the pathway that I created to becoming a part of the selective group of ACZM specialist. I quickly recognized the opportunity to learn was not available to everyone, and the price one had to pay was also not an option for most. Sadly, this reality has yet not changed. Zoomed (exotic animals medicine) is a passion for many of us, and it pains me to see people giving up on their dreams because they don’t have access to information. Not to mention the patients that go unattended because vets don’t have access to the knowledge to help them.
I had to do something about it. I had to share. Knowledge is the only way to change.
I believe the answer is to give people the power to change their own lives which, consequently, will change the world. One person, one pet at a time. That is my passion and that is how VETAHEAD started.
What does VETAHEAD do?
VETAHEAD provides all the resourses to help people start and grow their own zoomed (exotic animals medicine) career, making it possible for people to follow their passion and achieve their dreams.
We want people to feel empowered. To start a zoomed (exotic animals medicine) service that has impact.
We also want to see more empathy and connection. Impact is a lifelong pursuit that brings meaning to our lives beyond the personal. It’s others-focused, which is important for us all to cultivate. Impact applies to everything from diversity to the environment.
Why did VETAHEAD start?
It all started with an eagerness to share knowledge. I took 20 + years of experience and expertise out of my head and placed it into VETAHEAD to help others that share the same passion. The rest is history and now we are fortunate to have more talent join our movement with the same goals and enthusiasm.
After a person uses our resourses we want them to create a more fulfilling life for themselves and shoot for the stars.
We want to be the go-to resourse for all things ZooMed (exotics).
What does the competition do?
- They are often generic, they don’t have a nichè
- They offer random topics with lots of gaps
- They don’t have our know-how and experience
- They offer old dated methodology (boring much!)
Why teach zoomed (exotic animals medicine)?
- Zoomed (exotic animals medicine) is not regularly taught in vet or tech school
- It can be expensive to attend zoomed (exotic animals medicine) conferences
- Zoomed (exotic animals medicine) conferences are not guided towards the general practitioner
- General practitioner only need knowledge on zoological companion species (exotics pets)
Because we can relate to the clinicians and technicians that want to professionalize their ZooMed practice. Because we have academic knowledge and titles but also practical experience beyond academia.
VETAHEAD provides a deep education on zoological companion species with high touch guidance along the way.
Most online courses follow a traditional webinar model. Who we are and how we teach is different. We teach from experience, and our teaching method is approachable because we’ve been there in our consumer’s shoes. Not to mention how inspiring it is, we have a lot of stories to share.
Other companies make generic online vet courses. They are good at giving an overview of how to get started with ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) but not good at diving into the details. VETAHEAD is unique due to our community and 20+ years of experience building zoomed services across both digital and physical business models.
VETAHEAD statement
VETAHEAD is for veterinarians and paraprofessionals that want to learn about zoological companion animals. Our product is designed to teach and give tools to clinicians on how to create and develop a sustainable ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) practice.
What problem does VETAHEAD solve?
Many clinicians and technicians have a passion for ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) and are able to perform the basics yet lack the guidance and tools they need to professionalize and grow their ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) practice.
Why is solving that problem important?
Currently covering 13% of the pet market ZooMed is becoming a fast-growing business. Digital tools exist for anyone with an internet connection, yet access to education is scattered and often lacks credibility.
How does VETAHEAD address the problem?
VETAHEAD helps veterinarians and paraprofessionals, who are passionate about ZooMed (exotic animals medicine), take the next step to becoming confident in their practice. VETAHEAD provides all the tools necessary to turn that passion into a profitable and viable business.
VETAHEAD’s mission
- Making ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) accessible
- Empowering veterinarians through ZooMed (exotic animals medicine)
- Providing veterinary professionals with the knowledge, tools, and resources to advance and enrich their lives
Equality – While we know everybody deserves access to knowledge we know inequality is a barrier and we want to make sure we do our part to change this reality and support minorities
Make an impact – We want to bring positive outcomes for our VETAHEADER’S and enrich their lives
Empower through knowledge – We know ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) is a male dominated field and we want to share knowledge so female veterinary professionals feel empowered to take the next step and become confident in their practice
Have personality – ZooMed (exotic animals medicine) education doesn’t have to be stiff, we value design and have fun along the way
Keep it simple – While we may talk about complex topics, we break it down for everyone who is ready to commit and learn
Bring joy – Learning should be joyful, and working with what you love should bring joy to you and the ones around you
Welcome to our VETAHEAD community!
We are looking forward to sharing knowledge with you!