Bairon Madrigal
Veterinary student
Carolina Ferreira
Veterinary student
Crystal Mateo
Veterinary technician
Dandara Franco
Jenny Vasquez
Katherine Hauptmann
Veterinary student
Leonne Chung
Veterinary student
Marija Kostik
Veterinary student
Mary Ngo
Nicole Gilmore
Rachael Wooten
Sonya Tejeda
Veterinary technician
Swayam Satope
Veterinary student
Tainá Klos
Tatiana Rogers
Veterinary student
Yessenia Salmeron
Veterinary student
The Diversify Veterinary Medicine Coalition (DVMC) was established in 2020 to help meet the needs of members of the BIPOC community and other underrepresented groups who are interested in a veterinary medical education. The goal is to bolster them at each step in their educational journey – from youth to adulthood. Learn more about their work here.
The Latinx Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA) was created to form a community of Latinx excellence in veterinary medicine. Their community welcomes veterinarians, veterinary professionals, students, pet parents, and allies! Learn more about their work here.
Vetahead’s “A Clinician’s Guide to Incorporating Rabbits into your Practice” has been an extremely informative series of continual education videos. Not only has it been helpful with me becoming more comfortable with rabbits, it’s had improved my knowledge base and taken the level of rabbit medicine up a notch.
Not only is the program easily accessible online, but the on demand availability is essential for a busy practicing veterinarian, mother, and wife. Life can get busy, but the books with the details along with the videos help make learning new about rabbit medicine very easy.

All the lessons were very helpful to me, mainly some topics like endotracheal
intubation and surgical skills, such as marsupialization. Learning more about
how important is the image diagnosing on dental disease and GI stasis made
me really happy. I think everybody should purchase this course to provide the
best approach for their rabbit patients! Thanks for the opportunity!

I completed A Clinicians Guide to Incorporating Rabbits into Your Practice and it was an amazing course! I never would’ve learned so much about rabbits in school since it’s not a species that is typically covered. They cover so much information, that even if you already know rabbits, you will still learn a lot! The course is fun, you can go at your own pace. It really helps that they provide you with the notes; I like to take additional notes on the pdf that they provide. The quizzes at the end of each lesson are so much fun, that I wish there were more questions! The course was so enjoyable that I want to take more courses from Vetahead!

Vetahead’s Rabbit Medicine and Surgery course was a great learning experience! The lectures were informative, clear and engaging. I like that the instructors presented different ways of doing procedures, so I was able to get an idea of how to do things and use equipment in a way that is comfortable to me and fits in my clinic’s budget. The course notes are also a great reference to have. The checklist for materials for working with rabbits is very helpful as I am building my rabbit practice. It’s great to be able to go back to the notes for drug dosages and quick reminders on techniques for procedures. I feel like this course has made me a better rabbit vet!

Hello there! My name’s Tainá and I am a veterinarian from Santa Catarina, a state in the south of Brazil. I’ve been interested in wild animal medicine since I was an undergraduate, and now, two years after I’ve finally graduated and became a vet, I see almost exclusively exotic patients at my practice. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have done the “Clinician’s Guide to Incorporating Rabbits Into Your Practice” course! It is such an amazing, well scripted, well made and fun course! And the best part is: you don’t need any experience in exotic animals to take the course and understand it fully, because Dr. Proença and Dr. Sadar teach you the very basics of rabbit husbandry, in a clear and intuitive way. If you’re like me, who is a little more familiarized with bunnies, you can still acquire great knowledge in rabbit medicine and surgery in addition to tips and tricks to make your routine easier, from vets that are connected to and working in the field. The biggest practical difference I see in my practice after I’ve finished the course is that I’m way more confident in seeing my rabbit patients; treating them and making them and their owners feel safe and happy. If you’re a vet and want to start seeing rabbits or if you already do and want to have a better understanding of these patients and offer them the best treatment, I highly recommend you to do the course, it’ll help you offer the best care for your bunny patients. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the exotic area or if you have years of experience, there are a lot of new things you’ll learn from it! Thanks again to the amazing Vet Ahead team, especially Dr. Proença and Dr. Sadar, for the amazing experience! I wish you guys the best!

I'm really grateful for the opportunity to watch the course through the scholarship I was granted. There's a lot of useful info there, and the thing I liked the most was that there's always multiple options being presented - if you don't have access to CT, the course has a whole hour discussion on x-rays; if you don't have a supraglottic airway device, there's guidance for the other options to intubate your rabbit patient. I'm not saying I loved the course because I received the scholarship, I'm saying I loved it because I had 9 hours of knowledge that I will definitely use on practice.

The VETAHEAD Rabbit Course has been such an amazing opportunity. I have always had an interest in rabbit medicine and it has not always been easy to find courses to teach you techniques in exotics. The rabbit course provides a plethora of much up-to-date information to allow you to learn how to treat rabbits in medical setting. Not only that you are provided with beautifully illustrated anatomical pictures we are helpful for visual learners like myself. I found myself reviewing certain topics prior to go into to surgeries. I was also able to re-review the same information after to reaffirm what I had already learned. I loved being able to read the reasoning behind why certain techniques are done! I am always looking for different ways to approach patient care and this course definitely helped me honed a different skillset. Thank you to the VETAHEAD team for providing a valuable opportunity and course to help further bunny care in the veterinary world!

Being in vet school I realised that majority of the curriculum focuses on the production animals, dogs and cats; and finding a course specially dedicated to exotic companion animals is a great opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed the Rabbit Medicine & Surgery Course. The course layout, the at-to-the-point explanations and the high quality illustrative notes! They were perfect. From basic haematology to surgical methods, everything was covered deliberately. They highlighted how the clinical approach followed for rabbit patients is different at some points than those followed for canine and feline patients- which was a major takeaway! Thankyou Vetahead team, especially
Dr. Laila Proença and Dr. Miranda Sadar, for giving me this opportunity to learn.