We are incredibly honored and tickled that you’re exploring options to exceed your current skill level, or that you trust us to serve as zoomed (exotic animals medicine) specialty relief at your practice.
That’s awesome, and very exciting!
Specialist guidance empowers you to do more for your patients and team

We understand that being a veterinarian can be challenging, and sometimes you need some help – especially when seeing non-traditional pets. We are here to assist you and your team by providing information and knowledge to help you provide the best care possible to your non-traditional patients.
We don’t want you to be overwhelmed. Our consultants are kind, generous, and easy to talk to. It is like calling up a friend and saying, “help, please!”. We will work together to reach the best outcome possible! Moreover, in doing so, we will also be improving your team’s knowledge, confidence, and skills with the guidance of our specialists.
If you are looking for someone to train your team (veterinarians, interns, residents, and technicians) VETAHEAD has got you covered. We tailor the training to your needs. We focus on what you and your team want/need to learn.
Ready to begin? Just email us at contact@vetahead.vet.
We will work with you to make your team even more awesome
Here’s how it works:
First of all, let us tell you that all our consultants are top notch ACZM diplomates (American College of Zoological Medicine), with emphasis in Zoological Companion Animals (ZCA). Zoological medicine (a.k.a. zoomed, exotic animal medicine) is the branch of medicine that treats non-traditional pets, such as rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles, and much more!
Here are some examples of services we can provide you with:
We will work with you to design training sessions for whatever your team might need! Examples include, but are not limited to:
Training your team to receive and manage emergency non-traditional pets’ cases;
Training your team on basic to advanced medicine and surgery of non-traditional pets. From clinical skills such as physical exam, handling, blood collection, catheter placement, sedation, to anesthesia, intubation, and advanced diagnostics and surgery;
Training your team to reach the next level, with advanced medicine such as endoscopic procedures on non-traditional pets. Some examples include diagnostic endoscopy in small mammals (rhinoscopy, otoscopy, cystoscopy), birds (coelioscopy, tracheoscopy), reptiles (coelioscopy, endoscopic assisted spays and neuters of chelonians);
Training your team to become proficient in anesthesia and surgery. Some examples include intubating rabbits, advanced anesthesia protocols and monitoring (CRI of opioids, lidocaine), spays and neuters of non-traditional small mammals, and much more!
The length and frequency of the training is up to you!
It will depend on your needs and how long it takes for you and your team to master your skills. Want an intensive weekend with wet labs for a specific procedure? Alright. Want a week of in-depth training for your team? We’ve got you.
Fear not! We will start with a suitability call to learn what you need!

Whether you feel like it or not, you are a leader and a role model for being a top-notch veterinarian. To learn your needs, we will set up a suitability call.
This is meant to ensure this experience can achieve your goals and that we are going to be a good team in this endeavor. There is no expectation or pressure to commit to anything, this is a service for you! If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not! If you decide this isn’t for you, we will gladly offer any resources we think may be helpful.
Some examples of what to expect during our suitability call:
Discuss your goals, and what brought you here;
Training options: individual vs team vs group, in-person vs virtual;
Strategies and planning for our work together;
Discuss other avenues or resources if you know this isn’t for you.
Set up a call! Just email us at contact@vetahead.vet.
What you can expect from us:
To provide a safe space to explore your needs, motivations, skills and thought processes;
To observe, listen, ask help;
To use non-judgmental questioning techniques to identify solutions;
To support goal setting and assessment;
To encourage commitment to action;
To facilitate real, lasting positive change;
To maintain positive, supportive, non-judgmental point of view;
To work within your current level of practice and skill set and allow growth to unfold;
To hold you accountable for your commitment to improvement;
To create an inclusive environment where no-one is discriminated against or left out. Each participant will have access to all resources shared throughout this commitment;
To make your experience be as immersive as possible;
To be an active and healthy example of feedback management. If at any time we say something that concerns or hurts you, or you feel as though something in our relationship could be improved, we ask you to share feedback to allow we to respond in the manner most appropriate to meet our needs and relationship;
To help you start to develop self and peer training skills.
It is normal to feel this way...
This training program is designed to bring you to the next level of your clinical skills development.
It is very likely that this experience will seem intimidating before we build a strong relationship and trust. Many people fear they are being put on display or being judged. This is a very normal feeling, and a very inaccurate intention of this relationship.
If/when this happens, please bring it to the forefront before discontinuing our working relationship.

The investment cost on your development varies with the type and extent of training we design together.
We will provide you with an exact estimate after our suitability call. Congratulations on investing in your/your team’s clinical practice! We are committed to helping you/your team reach beyond your expectations.
We are really looking forward to getting to know you, and assisting you in your journey, regardless of what form that needs to be for you!